Barron County Master Gardener Grants

The Barron County Master Gardener Volunteers are offering two grants in the amount of $150.00 each for worthy community garden projects.  Projects must be related and located in Barron County.  The applicant must be a non-profit group or organization.  Include the following information on your application:  Name and location of the group or organization, contact person’s phone number, email and mailing address, and a description of the project and expected accomplishments.  Include a simple plan if appropriate.

Please print and fill out the application form and mail it to:  Kim Grover, Barron County Extension Office, 335 E. Monroe Avenue, Room 2206, Barron, WI 54812.

Here is the Grant Application Link:  Barron County Master Gardener Grant Application

The deadline is April 10, 2023.

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