Cake Revue – 2024

To:          Cake Decorating Project Members and Beginner Explorers

From:     Cathy and Abigail Solum; Cake Superintendents

Diane Watkins Oberli; Foods & Nutrition Superintendent

Thank you all for signing up for the Cake Decorating Project! The Cake Revue will be held at the Rice Lake Senior Center starting at 10:30 am on Sunday, July 14th. Please read this letter carefully for all details pertaining to the revue schedule, what to expect at the revue, how to display your cake at the fair, and other helpful hints!

Cake Revue Schedule:  Sunday July 14th

Registration Begins at 10:30-11:00 am

     All ages

Judging Begins at 11:15 am

     Working from youngest to oldest age divisions:

Division H: Beginner Explorers (K – 2)

Division I: Grades 3 & 4

Division J: Grades 5 & 6

Division K: Grades 7 & 8

Division L: Grades 9 & 10

Division M: Grades 11, 12 & 13

*Important:  To enter the Cake Revue, RSVP to Isabella Lyste at the Extension Office at or (715) 788-6209 with your Name, Division, and all Classes you will be entering by Monday, July 8th, 2024. This will put you in the program for all of your entries. Please RSVP for all entries you might bring, it helps the day run smoother if we only have to scratch entries and not add entries.

Remember:  The Cake Revue is a Fair Event, so you will need to also enter your cake projects through the Fair, when you do your fair entries. Please bring your fair entry tag to the Cake Revue; this helps us find your class if there is any confusion, but is not necessary.   Your premium will be included on your fair premium check after the Barron County Fair.

Cake Revue and Entry Information

  • The Rice Lake Senior Center is located at 12 West Humbird Street in Rice Lake
  • All judging for the cake decorating project will take place at the cake revue, not at the fair. All items are to be displayed at the Barron County Fair; they are to be delivered there after you have completed all your judging t the cake revue.
  • The Fairbook may be accessed online at to see all classes and divisions.
  • You may bring nine different class numbers in total, but a maximum of three cakes.  See Department J-25 in the Fairbook for more guidelines.
  • Check the Fairbook to see if your class requires a written explanation of tips and techniques, this may be larger than         3” x 5” , if needed. Classes 10-14 require them.
  • You signed up for the cake decorating project at the beginning of the 4-H year. You may have entered your items for the fair already.  You must now enter them for the Cake Revue, this may be the exact same as your fair entry or if you have changed your mind or added something please just enter them in the cake revue via RSVP as stated above. This information will be used to make a program of all cake revue entries done by the due date.
  • Beginner Explorers are also invited to participate in the Cake Revue!  Beginner Explorers may enter one or more items from Classes 1-5. Due to requests, they may additionally sign up for Classes 15 and 16 even though the fairbook says otherwise. 
  • If you are not available to be in attendance, your cake or items may be brought to the revue, registered, and set up by someone else.  Supply a written explanation about your cake or item.  No deduction in placing will take place. Also, bring a vertical 4 x 6 photo of the youth with each of their projects to the revue so they will be included in the fair certificates.
  • Remember, all of the project work is to be done by the youth, only guided by a parent/adult. This may take longer than you think!
  • When you arrive, please check in at the registration table and you’ll be shown where to set up your cake and other items.  Judging will begin at no sooner than the scheduled time. If you are an older, experienced member you can register later in the day at your own discretion.
  • You are welcome to stay for the entire revue if you wish but you may leave when you have finished judging.  We encourage all members to set up early and stay for the entire cake revue judging, but this is not required.
  • Be prepared to tell the judge a little bit about your project, how you got your idea, problems you had, what you learned, what tips/techniques you used, how you baked your cake, the type of frosting used, etc.
  • First and second blues may be asked to stay for Championship and Overall awards.  Please check on this before you leave.
  • Be sure to have your photo taken by our photographer with each of your items.
  • Be sure to leave your ribbons with the superintendents so they can be attached to your certificate at the cake revue. You will collect them at the end of the fair.
  • An 8.5” x 11” vertical certificate with space for a photo will be provided for each entry.  Ribbons will be attached to completed certificates at the cake revue and the photos will be added before the start of the fair.
  • We encourage all cake project items to be exhibited at the fair. Once your judging is complete you may take your cake and items to the fair in the expo building.  There will be tables by the cake room to put them on, leave your name tag by your items.  The superintendents will arrange them in a way for all to be seen well.
  • Be sure to pick up your cake items (certificates and ribbons too) at release time of the fair, discarding cakes and all parts that you don’t want will be done by the member. Superintendents will be there to assist but we will not toss your cake without you unless you don’t show up!

For any questions regarding the Cake Revue, please contact Cathy Solum at (715) 234-6874 or (715)-651-2759




Cake Decorating and Storage Tips

  • Remember that this cake WILL NOT BE EATEN; only admired and exhibited.
  • Bake your cake a few days earlier than normal to let it cool and “dry out” by leaving it uncovered on a wire rack.  If you are making a cut-up cake or any other shape, you may want to cut to shape before drying it. 
  • Try baking your cake longer than normal to take out even more moisture.
  • Some cakes will keep well in an air conditioned area once frosted for a long time with no covering.  Remember that the goal is to “dry” the frosting as well. 
  • Humidity, sunlight, and heat will ruin your cakes. Pick a good storage spot and cool down your car before transporting it.
  • Know your frosting types – some will not do well in the heat. Stiff icings that dry will last longer and keep their shape.
  • Good frosting consistency can make the world of difference. Don’t let it get warm while you are decorating and keep it freshly whipped to prevent separation of the oils.
  • Planning ahead is crucial so all your decorations have time to dry.
  • You may choose to freeze your cake to preserve it. If you do so, thaw the cake slowly to prevent condensation, color bleeding, and fading. If you dry out your cake well, this should not be necessary.

Transportation Tips

  • Anything that might fall off of the cake should be removed in advance and kept in a safe place. You should be able to quickly replace these items once you have arrived.
  • If your cake has multiple layers, you can disassemble the levels of your cake and transport each of them in their own separate cake box.
  • The bottom level of the cake should be firmly stuck to a cake board. You can do this using dowels and stakes that jut out of the board and penetrate into the cake. You can also use sticky frostings like buttercream to improve the seal. The cake board should be made of a strong material like high-density cardboard, wood or fiberboard.
  • Make sure the cake is placed on a surface that is flat and completely level with the ground. The seat of a car is angled, so this is not an ideal surface. Use the floor of the car or the trunk area.
  • A small error in driving, like stopping suddenly or turning sharply, can spell disaster for your entire cake. Drive slowly and carefully to ensure that you and your cake arrive at your destination safely. If you need to drive slower than the rest of traffic, do not hesitate to do so, no matter how annoyed the driver behind you might be.
  • It is usually best to carry the cake by hand. Once the cake arrives at its final location, verify the final resting place before carefully remove it from the box or car.


Enjoy decorating your projects!

Congratulations on your talent, skills, and hard work!

See you soon!

Cake Decorating Superintendents,

Cathy Solum – 715-651-2759

Abigail Solum – 715-205-1100

Support Extension