4-H Camp Counselor Application https://go.wisc.edu/gxm84s
Thank you for your interest in becoming a camp counselor for our annual Po-Croix-Bar 4-H Camp experience! Counselors must be currently in 9th grade or older. Please fill out the application below by January 17, 2025. Contact your 4-H Program Educator if you have any questions or need any assistance.
Youth will be notified by mid-February if they are selected to be a camp counselor for 2025. Please make sure you are available on the dates listed on this application for trainings. New counselors will also be asked to take an online training module.
CAMP DATES: JUNE 25-27, 2025
REMINDER: YOU MUST get a recommendation form completed by 1 adult (non family) and returned by the application deadline. Forms can be found here: https://go.wisc.edu/28zjst or PDF download: