Common concerns found during DNR inspections and simple solutions
Farmer/consultant panel discussion : What to do before the inspection
Farmer experience preparing for inspections: real life tips and tricks.
Lightning round: short presentations on key issues.
-What is the real definition of a spill? Manure storage maintenance. What can be done without
submitting plans and specs? Post construction documentation. Avoiding common NMP red flags.
-Manure sampling frequency and requirements.
Successes and challenges in communicating/implementing innovative practices: Lessons from local
farmer-led efforts.
Nutrient losses and tile lines / soil loss and edge of field practices
-The latest research updates from Discovery Farms/Extension’s Ag Water program, East of I-39, the
focus will be on the research update on drain tile management and nutrient losses. West of I-39,
measuring the impact of conservation practices on soil losses.
Manure hauling audits / round robin on how farmers and manure applicators are meeting setbacks.
-What to expect, what the DNR is looking for during audits, followed by an interactive discussion
showcasing examples of how farmers/manure applicators are managing application near setbacks.
Updates to the permitting process
Nutrient management policy update
-What’s new with Nutrient Management for permitted farms?
Time has been set aside before the sessions, during meal and afterward for informal networking.
Jan. 28-Green Bay
Jan. 29-Fond du Lac
Jan. 30-Manitowoc
Feb. 4-Darlington
Feb. 5-Jefferson
Feb. 11-Mauston
Feb. 12-Eau Claire