4-H Arts
Polk – Barron County Talent Expo
Talent Expo-This Performance based experience is for ALL 4-H youth to showcase their talents in speaking and music for feedback from a judge.
2025 Event Date: Saturday, April 12
Location: Turtle Lake School
Registration Deadline: March 15
Categories/Information: Original Speech, 4-H Pledge, Interpretive Reading, Demonstration, Piano, Vocal, Instrumental, Dance, Group Musical, Group Drama, Digital Media Entry. For More information click on here.
Score Sheets for all events can be found here: https://go.wisc.edu/4rqbrg
You can Register online at http://wi.4honline.com or direct link: https://bptalent.4honline.com
Large Group Events: Drama Form | Music Form – Register via paper form
General Information:
Performances will be performed in the order listed (please plan accordingly and try to be early). If you miss your time session, or have multiple performances, there will be catch-up times at the end of listed sessions and built into the final session slot. If possible, we ask that you stay in the room during the whole block of time to watch other performances. This is an important part the experience and we should all encourage others during their performance!
Judges will review your entry and provide feedback on your performance. Exhibitors will be mailed County Fair placement ribbons and their scores sheet after the event. Be sure to enter this on your fair entry form if you wish to receive premiums. Exceptional Performance ribbons will also be given as the judge sees appropriate. If you would like to see a copy of the scoring rubrics, please visit: https://go.wisc.edu/4rqbrg
Please plan to provide a brief introduction about yourself for the judge. This should include: your name, age and/or grade, your 4-H club, the title and author or composer of your piece, and a little bit about your piece.
Music Participants
Please bring a copy of your music for the judge. If you do not have a live accompanist, you must bring your own equipment to play your piece. Pianos will be provided for “piano” and “vocal” events. Warm-up rooms will be available, although there is not a warm-up piano. Reminder: There is no piano provided in the instrumental room, only the vocal/piano room.
Speaking Events
Speaking participants do not need to provide a script for the judge.
Digital Video Creations
We will have a projector and screen available for use. The projector will have HDMI hook-up compatibility. You will need to provide your own device. If you need to make different arrangements, please contact Sara in advance (sara.waldron@wisc.edu)
Reminders for all
Family and friends are welcome to come and enjoy the performances! Please be respectful of all performers and remember to be quiet in the hallways. Support all 4-H kids by attending performances! 4-H Dramas are fun for all to watch!
Please contact the 4-H Office with any questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I want to register for more than one event?
You can register for multiple events under a single registration. If you decide to add something later, you can go back into 4-H online and add an additional entry later, just start a new registration.
How do I register a group?
You can register a group under a single persons name, as long as you list the names of all participants you do not need to individually register for each group member. Club entries (drama and musical) need to be sent via paper registration.
What if I don't know my title yet?
You can register without a title, however, it is much easier for us if you put the title in when you register. If you do not know your title, or you change it later. Please email your 4-H office and let them know about the changes. We will send out a draft of the program before the Performance Arts Festival for people to check their titles.