Dairy Quiz Bowl Sign-up

Are you interested in being on the Dairy Quiz Bowl Team? Practices begin soon. (need not be part of the dairy project to participate) Please contact Cathy Solum at ctn94610@centurytel.net or call/text 715-651-2759 to sign-up or with questions. The Dairy Bowl is a “quiz bowl” competition where all questions deal with dairy topics. Competition in the 4-H Dairy Bowl encourages a 4-H member to develop a more complete knowledge of dairy animals and related […]

4-H Leathercraft

Barron County 4-H Leathercraft Project Ordering Night: Thursday, January 9 (4:30PM-6PMBarron County Government Center, 335 E Monroe Ave, Room 110-Barron WI 54812 Classes-Saturdays (February 1, 15, 22, March 2)at Barron County Government Center (335 E Monroe Ave, Room 110; Barron WI 54812) Barron County 4-H Project Volunteers: Tom Ebler and Joyce Nelson What is it […]

Camp Counselor Application

4-H Camp Counselor Application https://go.wisc.edu/gxm84s Thank you for your interest in becoming a camp counselor for our annual Po-Croix-Bar 4-H Camp experience!  Counselors must be currently in 9th grade or older.  Please fill out the application below by January 17, 2025.  Contact your 4-H Program Educator if you have any questions or need any assistance. […]

4-H Horse Project updates/Reminders

Reminder for all members, leaders, and parents, make sure you are re-enrolled for the 2024-2025 4H year.   https://barron.extension.wisc.edu/2024/09/03/4-h-enrollment-is-open/ Congratulations to all members that participated at State Events, our county was well represented with our Drill Team, Gymkhana State, and Horse Expo State. Just a quick reminder of upcoming horse events: Barron County 4H Horse Banquet ( Ridgeland Community […]

National 4-H Week Window/Display Contest

National 4-H Week is October 6-12 and the theme is Beyond Ready Celebrate 4-H by sharing the great things about Barron county 4-H with others. See Details below. Check out the National 4-H Week ToolKit for resources. Printable Guidelines Celebrate National 4-H Week Show why Barron County 4-H is Great! Share 4-H in your local […]

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