Barron County News and Events

April-Discovery Days

Choose 1 of 3 classes Bird Houses: Make a Birdhouse ($10) (approx. 5.5″X9.25″ in front and 15″ tall in back) Please bring: Phillips screw driver or bit with drill (K-5 participants should have an adult present)–all ages No Dirt Terrarium: We will be making an open, mini, soilless, terrarium–we will add colored aqua rocks, little […]

Horse Project – Shirt Order

**Don’t forget the next meeting is March 30 (mandatory safety meeting)–forms/info here: 1 Go to our website: 2 Click on TEAM STORES at the top menu. This will take you to the team store page login 3 Enter your team password under PERSONALIZED TEAM STORE in all CAPS: HORSE25 4 Click on a […]

Joyce Ann Nelson – WI 4-H Hall of Fame

2025 Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame Announcement We are very excited to announce the laureates of the 2025 Class of the Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame. The Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame was established to recognize 4-H volunteers, financial supporters, staff, and pioneers who made major contributions to the 4-H movement at the local, state, […]

March Project Discovery Days

Join us for March Project Discovery DaysSaturday, March 8 9AM-NoonUW-EC Barron CountyCommons Registration Deadline: February 28 at (sign in and choose events) Bottle Bird House Feeder ($10): Make a bird feeder for your feathered friends. (approx. 16X7 in) Please bring: 20 oz plastic or glass bottle, tape measurer, square, power drill with bits (phillips) 20 […]

YQCA/Livestock Meetings

This is a reminder YQCA is coming up. YQCA certification is required for all youth exhibitors who plan to show beef, swine, sheep, or Miss-Q Dairy Quality at the Barron County Fair and/or the Wisconsin State Fair.  You will need to attend one of the in-person sessions. If you are a post high school youth […]

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